Saturday, June 29, 2019

Play Day @ Sybil's

It's the end of June already ! Summer is finally here and the rain and cold have been chased off by the sun ... hello sun !

Our June meeting had a serious meeting first then everyone scattered to various activities.

Dwayne brought Konyaku powder and shared the process of making all sorts of paper into a more fabric-like material which can be sewn/stitched on, just like fabric.

This lovely item was a feather printed serviette ! It may become the face of a book cover.

Other members enjoyed the art of paper folding and hand-made folded books
Ralph and Nancy sharing various paper items.
Dianne, Ralph and Elizabeth talking hand-made books
Gail's folded books above and below

Meanwhile, Bev was out wandering around Sybil's beautiful art gallery and studios and shared the following gorgeous photos.
a stream runs through it
the back yard
Sybil's peonies

Helen, Sharron, Nancy & Ralph sharing after lunch

photos by Sharron Deacon Begg and Bev White

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